Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hello, I'm " A Person", a bad son, and a total asshole as far as I can tell.

A little background to start. I live in Northern NV, and my parents live in Arkansas (really). We're not from there, but that's an even longer story. Every summer around the 4 of July my parents organize some kind of family get together in ARKANSAS! I never really want to go. It's not because I don't want to see them. I do. I want my kids to spend time with them, but why does it have to be there? Why does it have to be during the 4th of July every year? My daughter has year round school that starts right after the 4th of July. What am I supposed to do? The first option is to pay the $2700 to fly, rent a car, and book a hotel for 4 days of Central Arkansas. The second option is to drive 2000 MILES EACH WAY WITH 3 KIDS IN THE CAR. Five days of driving for 4 days in Central
Arkansas. Neither one sounds good. Option one - $2700 would pay for a full weeks vacation somewhere nice (Is the the part where I'm a bad son, an asshole or both). Option 2 - Drive 4000 miles to go to Arkansas? Is that even an option? I'm an asshole for not wanting to go. That's what my Mom thinks. I emailed my parents and my brother and told them we weren't coming.

"Hello All,

We just got Lily's school schedule for 1st grade. Her school is year -round, and this year her first day is the same as last year. July 7. We really don't want her to miss any school (especially her first day). The only alternative would be for us to fly.
The cost for all of us to fly is way too much for just a few days, so I'm afraid we are not going to make it this year.
I know. Pretty harsh, huh. We didn't go last year either. For this we got shunned at Thanksgiving.
(My parents do T-day one year, and Xmas the next - taking turns with my brothers family)
(I guess he does the appropriate amount sucking up, because last year he got his holiday, but I didn't get mine)
Take a look at the Tao of Terri for my Mom's reaction. Nice.
Since we are all so open and honest, let's get a few things straight.

1. I hate Arkansas. Been there, done that, took my lumps, got on with my life. I don't want to go back EVER. Is it because my parents live there? NO. Carmen Electra could live there and I would still hate it. I'm a West Coast kind of guy, and that's all there is to it. Extreme heat, stifling humidity, and abusive amounts of bugs don't help either.

2. I am not rich or poor. I am a carpenter with a great wife, and three great kids. We take about a weeks worth of vacation per year. We're talking 5 work days. Monday through Friday. We are trying to save for a house next year when our housing market is done plummeting, and our vacation time is scarce. One would think that at least your parents would understand.

3. I don't need to be pressured to move closer to my parents or any other relatives. I don't like where they live. I like where I live. That's why I live here. This is NOT why I don't want to visit my parents. It is just one of the little things that grinds just a little in the very background.

4. I don't call people. Sorry. It's the bad son and/or asshole thing again. My life is busy. I commute 2 hours a day to work. I have 3 kids at home, and I do 75% of the cooking. I'm busy and tired. My relatives live in time zone that are 2-3 hours later than mine. I would like to talk to my parents and my brother, but they don't call me either. Let's be honest, my brother has called me ONCE in 10 years. (Oh yeah, we must be back at the bad brother and/or asshole.) It's okay, I don't get email either.(unless you count the spam trying to sell me Viagra)

5. I'm lousy at Birthdays and other holidays. Sorry. Cards are a waste of money and a waste of paper. I buy every present for my wife on the way home the day of the "whatever". Sorry again. I know its the bad husband and/or asshole thing again.

Too sum it all up, (if you read " The Tao of Terri ") I'm " A person ", a bad son(brother, husband), and/or an asshole.

PS - I HATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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